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What To Pack For A Day Trip !


Have you ever gone on a trip and wished you were better prepared? Well that's what this post is here for! I'm going to call out everything I keep in my day pack, in hopes that it will help you pack for your next adventure.

Lets start with the most important part...your pack!

Two key components you should look for in a pack are comfort and size. I think we can all agree that nothing sucks more then not having enough space for snacks and being uncomfortable while exploring.

The pack I currently use is a Camelbak with a 2.5L resevoir. It's the perfect size for day trips and has enough compartments to keep everything organized. In total there is 4 different storage areas: the main compartment, two small side pouches (one on each side), and one on top.

Another feature I LOVE is the double strap support! I personally can't have to much pressure on my shoulders, so having those straps across my chest and torso really help when it comes to distributing the weight.

..... to top it off the pack can also be used as a great workout accessory!


Hammock- I don't know about you but my best ideas and day dreams come to me when I'm in my hammock. It's kind of like having your own free getaway with an amazing view.

The set up is super easy and the comfort level is out of this world. With that said I want to make the following suggestions for optimum use 1) Get extended straps! You might find yourself in an area with only a few trees that are far apart. The straps will give you the distance needed. 2) Bring a pillow or blanket if you plan on being in there for awhile.

Microfiber Towel- It's light weight and great to have if you end up taking a quick dip in a watersource you may come by. It can also be used as a blanket if you get chilly or want sit down on the ground without getting dirty.

Reusable Bag: Unfortunately some humans feel the need to leave their trash behind, but luckily the environment has people like us to step in and help. I always bring a bag to pick up any trash I come across during my adventures!

Please be kind to the earth and clean up after yourself!

(Art work by Amy Zhang)

"First Aid Kit" - Not really your typical first aid kit but more of a "What Cassie has found useful kit" It contains the following:

  • Blister Cushions: nothing is worse then your feet being in pain while exploring

  • Liquid IV: helps with those extra long adventures (or when you get lost and you are running low on fumes) #HydrationNation

  • Synus/Allergy Meds: I'm still figuring out the whole allergies thing, so I like to have some help on hand just in case

  • Girl Products: mother nature may join you on your adventures!

  • Hair Ties

  • Water Proof Pouch: comes in handy if you get caught in the rain and you don't have a water proof phone

Sunscreen & Bug Spray: Nothing ruins an adventure faster then getting sun burn or ending up with 30 bug bites. For sunscreen I use Neutrogena (HIGH SPF) it's great for my sensative skin and also smells amazing! When it comes to bug spray, I usually just go with whatever my sister has lying around the house.

LAYERS/ Extra Clothes: I find that it's always a good idea to have extra articles of clothing.

The following are times I've been grateful for taking my own advice:

* That time I tried crossing a creek and ended up slipping right into the water

* That time I didn't check the weather and got caught in a rain storm

* That time it ended up being a not so shaded trail and 90 degrees

Last but not least... always bring SNACKS & WATER: More water the better, more snacks the better. I didn't want to write out all the food that I'm fond of, so please enjoy the following photo instead.


  • Day Pack

  • Hammock (if you want to hang around the area)

  • Microfiber Towel / light blanket

  • Reusable Bag (Any type of bag really)

  • Your own personal " First Aid Kit"

  • Sunscreen

  • Bug Spray

  • Extra clothes/socks

  • Snacks


As always, Thank you for checking out my post! I hope it comes in handy when packing for your next adventure and prevents from any"oh crap I forgot blank" moments.

Happy Exploring :)


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